In Defense Of Traditional Bible Text Different speakers are coming to talk about the King James Bible. July 25-26
Speakers as of this date:
1.Dr. David Bennett (video); 2. Dr. Don Boys; 3. Dr. D. L. Cooper; 4. Dr. Ed DeWitt; 5. Dr. Kirk DiVietro; 6. Mr. Bill Sheppard; 7. Mr. Brian Shepherd; 8. Dr. Christian Spencer; (9) Dr. Edward Smith; (10: Dr. D. A. Waite; (11) Pastor Daniel S. Waite; (12) Dr. Samuel Yun; (13) Dr. H. T. Spence; (14) Mr. Rob Winograd; (15) Dr. Jack Moorman (Video); (16) Pastor Jeremy Rice.

Check in at the Econolodge Motel, 21 MacArthur Blvd. (Route 52) Somers Point, NJ 08244
Phone 609.927.3220; Reservations 800.553.2666; FAX 609.365.2407; E-Mail:; Cost: $80.00 per night.
If this motel is filled up, we have another one we have reserved. To find out the name, location, and details, please PHONE either (1) Pastor Jeremy Rice @ 609-412-7658; or (2) John Watkins @ 609-432-8300